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Wednesday 20 January 2021

Rambler (RMM)

I quickly took an interest in the mining industry whilst coming to terms with the Stock Market as I was watching companies such as Eurasia Mining and Greatland Gold rocket up in price. Although I had invested a small pocket of money in these, I felt as if these investments were not 'mine'. I felt as if they had been handed to me and I hadn't earned it, like a small child being handed something of value but not truly understanding the hard work that went into creating it.

I have always followed the golden advice of "never put your money on something that you haven't researched yourself" but I was drawn the the price of £0.0025 per share. I understood it as researching a bank account before you start saving money with it.

I spent hours online, researching the company and discovering the latest news and assets. I found that Twitter, and other forum based sites provided key information, but I had to decipher a lot of fact from fiction. Understanding the role of rampers and de-rampers (people who intentionally influence others to buy or sell shares by manipulating news, fact or fiction. But the information that I did extract convinced me to trust my instinct. 

Slowly but surely, the RNS's began creeping out about how Rambler are finding funds to clear all the debts and how they have managed to stay operational, albeit at reduced rates, during COVID-19.

Watching price rise, green day after green day, it became an obsession to watch the numbers increase. This obsession has now made part of my daily routine. 

Today, Rambler opened incredibly strong and took an early lead with £0.0047 within an hour of the market being open and pretty much maintained that level throughout the day, closing at £0.0044. 

It didn't take long before my phone started ringing with friends and acquaintances thanking me for talking about Rambler. I hadn't known prior to this that others had gone about doing their own research and also thought that Rambler shows huge potential.

I am still learning a lot about the stock market, but if Rambler can grow 15% in a day that the majority of the market makes a loss (likely to have been impacted by the American President Inauguration), then I have great belief in that Rambler could return a handsome profit. 

This profit, I hope, will be multiple times the value of my original investment. I now know this to called a 'multi bagger'! This time last year, Rambler Metals & Mining was valued at £0.0240. Understandably this was pre-pandemic, however, they appear to have potential to make it back to that margin and commence making the profit us shareholders hope for!

Please always do your own research. This blog has been created to express my interests and discoveries with you and it's purpose is not to provide share advice. 
I take no responsibility for people investing into a stock that I have blogged about. 

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