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Wednesday 10 February 2021

Tertiary Minerals Plc

 Tertiary Minerals PLC has come to our attention by means of an associate who advised us of the potential. We've recorded our research and published it in the format of a video to help you:

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Oriole Resources Plc

Oriole Resources Plc increased 21.67% on 9th February 2021 which sparked our interest to their potential to grow further. 

We dug deeper and compiled our research into a video to help you.

Do you want to experience investing? 
Bull & Bear Invest Channel are constructing a tuition style series of YouTube videos to help you learn the basics of the Stock Market. Subscribe to our channel and get notified as each module is released.

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Freetrade is an accessible and easy to use platform for all. The Team at Bull & Bear Invest strongly recommend Freetrade's services. 

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Monday 8 February 2021

The surge in Bitcoin!

 The price of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin has surged at 12:40pm to £31634.59 as Elon Musk's Tesla reveals that it purchased $1.5Billion worth of the currency. 

Tesla has just announced the is has bought $1.5Billion worth of Bitcoin and that it will now accept Bitcoin as a recognised method of payment. 

Tesla's epic purchase has boosted the value of Bitcoin 17% to whopping £32,197.71, it's highest ever value!

The news is impacting share prices across the world as an initial share price spike was witnessed by Bull and Bear Invest Channel on Argo Blockchain. The spike took the share price from £0.987 up nearly 15.145% in minutes to £1.138. The share price  spiked a second time moments later, increasing another 10% to £1.169!

Argo Blockchain's share price continues to climb as value of Bitcoin increases. Many traders are reporting difficulty buying in to various companies due to the sudden demand. Exciting times! Those who have managed to purchase shares, hold tight and watch your money grow!

With the US Market yet to open, could we be seeing a new record in cryptocurrency mining companies?

Elon Musk has repeatedly Tweeted about the cryptocurrency Dogecoin, another recognised cryptocurrency, in recent days. The reaction of the cryptocurrency market was evident as Dogecoin's value increased at an unbelievable rate. 

Sunday 7 February 2021

Twitter Poll Results and The Mining Industry

 Bull and Bear Invest Channel ran a poll on Twitter recently asking people what mining company they are looking most forward to in the year of 2021. 

56.8% of respondents answered Greatland Gold, 24% of respondents said Rambler Metals and Mining and 19.2% states Eurasia Mining. To our surprise, no respondents opted for Thor Mining despite their ongoing projects and scheduled events. 

The Bull and Bear Invest Channel have compiled some research into brief videos and articles for you to reference. 

Eurasia Mining

Rambler Metals & Mining 


Greatland Gold 

Thor Mining

Contains ISR explanation

Although we would have preferred to contain much more detail in the videos, without making them feature length this would not be possible. The details contained within the videos have been obtained from various company documents, RNS's and independent research and opinion.

We are keen to continue bringing you content that is useful. Let us know what you want to see by submitting your ideas using the contact form below

We strongly advise you to conduct your own research into any investments that you undertake. 

If the content of this video was helpful, please subscribe to our channel!

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Although the greatest care is given to ensure that accurate and up to date information is provided in any publication, The Bull & Bear Channel, and the persons thereof, are not liable for any losses incurred during an investment.

Friday 5 February 2021

Copper Boom

The price of copper is up 65% since announcement of the Nationwide Lockdown on 23rd March 2020 in reaction to the Coronavirus pandemic. Although COVID-19 was the root cause of the demise of the copper prices initially, the price of copper continues to rise, increasing a further 1.35% today so far.

Copper is a metal in great demand. It has been used for millennia with some decorative articles dating back to 8,700BC. Copper production boomed during the Industrial Age as new technology and adaptive methods of mining made it easier to process copper than ever before. The versatility of copper and its uses in jewellery and currency encourages some to consider it a precious metal, however due to copper being plentiful and easily oxidised in moist air, it is not defined as a precious metal. 

One of the key features of copper is its ability to conduct high voltages of electricity without burning up. This is due to its high electrical conductivity, making it an ideal material to manufacture wiring and printed circuit boards for a variety of purposes. This is important to consider as we are in the midst of an evolutionary time as the world is focusing on becoming greener and protective of the environment. 

The use of copper has increased increased dramatically as the world relies on supplying its nations with renewable energy sources because copper is used five times more in these systems compared to traditional power generation. 

What companies can we see benefitting from the copper price boom?

Primarily, the industries that mine the valuable engineering metal will directly benefit from the rising demand and price increase of copper. Quite simply because the 1 tonne of copper sold today will gain 65% more income than it would have generated on 23rd March 2020. 
With price continuing to increase and the demand for copper also on the rise, mining companies such a Rambler Metals & Mining Plc and Thor Mining Plc should be able to make a significant profits and benefit from the current circumstances. 

Rambler Metals & Mining Plc have managed to maintain mining during 2020 despite the coronavirus restrictions due to their ability to maintain robust measures to identify and manage any reported cases of COVID-19. Thankfully, there have been zero cases of the virus throughout the extensive list of employees and contractors. 
Rambler are now focused on draining the lower sections of their mine that were not feasible to maintain during the period of the reduced mining operations put in place that allowed the continuation of mining. The pumping of the mine is expected to be completed by the end of this month. 
They are also steadily increasing the capacity of which their mine can operate back to its full potential of 1350 tonnes per day.
In addition to this, Rambler Metals & Mining are also concluding the purchase of Duck Pond plant and relocating the plant to the Ming Mine Site by July this year. 

Thor Mining Plc has three major copper projects: Alford East. Alford West and Kapunda projects. The Alford West project is of great interest and the mining technique, In Situ Recovery mining, is more cost effective than traditional mining methods leading to an increased profit potential from this location. 
Thor has been on our radar for several months and Mick Billing (Chairman/CEO of Thor Mining) seems to be thorough, ensuring that his claims are rigorously drilled and inspected to pinpoint the resources prior to initiating a full scale mining operation which could potentially result in a substantial loss is no copper or other valuable material was found. 
Thor have drilling and exploration exercises scheduled throughout the early part of 2021 with hope that mining will commence soon after. 
Check out our video where we explore Thor's prospects and explain more about the in situ recovery mining method. 

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Eddie Stobart Logistics Plc

Eddie Stobart Logistics Plc are yet to confirm a date to when they will change their name to Logistics Development Group Plc. 

 Today we learned that Stobart Group shareholders 'overwhelmingly back its name change to Esken Ltd. This has been confirmed to come into effect as of Tuesday 9th February. 
We understand that the operating sectors of Stobart Group will permitted to use the brand up until May 2023 and London Southend Airport will not change its name at all. 

As a combined delineation effort, both companies are expected to change their names at a similar time. Eddie Stobart Logistics confirmed that the name change would take effect shortly after admission. 

Watch our video highlighting Eddie Stobart Logistics here

Tuesday 2 February 2021

A promising day on the Stock Market

 For the first time in a long time, every stock on our watchlist finished with a share price increase today! Here is a section of our watchlist that we are excited to see:


Eurasia Mining
⏫ 14.17%

Eurasia's Formal Sale Process is ongoing, but we are expecting an announcement to be made any day now. Check out an earlier post for more information as to when we expect the announcement to be released.

Thor Mining
⏫ 5.28%
Thor has released some big news recently and has some incredible potential in the upcoming months. The Bull & Bear Invest Channel have created a video explaining what is to come along with an explanation the process of In Situ Recovery Mining 

Rambler Metals & Mining 
⏫ 4.78%

Greatland Gold
⏫ 11.37%

Bezant Resources 

Crypto Mining

Argo Blockchain
⏫ 1.15%
We have highlighted some of the major events expected from Argo Blockchain to occur this year on in a video our YouTube Channel. Don't forget to subscribe as we have some interesting content in the making.

Green Energy

⏫ 9.45%
We have summarised EQTEC's projects for 2021 and needless to say it is going to be an eventful year. View our summary now and take a look for yourself!

Powerhouse Energy Group
⏫ 16.57%

Transport & Logistics

Eddie Stobart Logistics
⏫ 1.16%

We saw some magnificent spikes in the share price up to £0.16 on at least 2 occasions today. This is definitely a stock to observe, especially as we expect the change of name to occur this month. 

Do you want to experience investing? 
Bull & Bear Invest Channel are constructing a tuition style series of YouTube videos to help you learn the basics of the Stock Market. Subscribe to our channel and get notified as each module is released.

Freetrade is an accessible and easy to use platform for all. The Team at Bull & Bear Invest strongly recommend Freetrade's services.

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Eurasia Share Price Increase

 Eurasia Mining Plc is making a speedy recovery back to the £0.30 share price region we saw prior to Alexei Churokov selling 27,400,00 shares which caused the SP to plummet nearly 50% last week. Eurasia released an RNS to confirm that the sale of Mr Churokov's shares were to cover an immediate cash call and was not related to the sale of Eurasia but the Company and its professional advisers continue to work on the Formal Sale Process as recently reported via RNS of 14th January 2021.  The market has experienced a flurry of phenomenal buy orders, some exceeding a share price of £0.2575, and very few sells in comparison.

Eurasia has seen a share price increase of 10.39% since the start of the trading this morning and midday. The reasons for this is still unclear without any official statement provided by Eurasia, however it is rumoured on social media that the sale has been completed and we are to expect an RNS imminently. 
Eurasia's shares were temporarily suspended from trading on 11th February 2020. Nearly a year on, could we be looking at a repeat suspension, this time announcing the sale of Eurasia. 

Norilsk Nickel is considered the favourites to buy Eurasia, it is a coincidence that today they also announce that they will be hosting a conference call on the 16th February 2020 for investors and analysts at 14:00hrs GMT. 
They have supplied options to dial in from Russia, USA and the United Kingdom. They have Norilsk Nickel have confirmed that the conference will be held in English and in Russian. Although the conference call has been said to report on the results for the year 2020, following the publication of the Q4 Results on 29th January, it is possible that this conference provides the opportunity to announce the purchase of Eurasia.
Norilsk Nickel did also 
host a conference on 26th February 2020 following the publication of the Q4 Results and announced on the same day, prior to the conference being held, that they had signed a contract for the Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant, known as the Sulphur Project. 

Eurasia is now in possession of the approved Definitive Feasibility Study in relation to the West Kytlim mine, which adds additional value and scope to the sale price. This was confirmed via RNS on 21st January 2021. 

At this moment in time, the sale proceedings remain protected under a non disclosure order, therefore no official statement can be released should this theory be accurate, however we can assume that Norilsk Nickel will use the same practice to announce any updates leading up to this event.

Regardless of the cause of the share price increase, let's enjoy it and wait patiently for the all important RNS to be announced, whenever that may be.  

EQTEC - An exciting year ahead!

 The Bull & Bear Invest Channel probe the busy company EQTEC and explain some major developments expected during the year 2021!

If you cannot view the video, you can view it here on our Youtube Channel. 

Subscribe to our channel to keep up to date with our content!

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Monday 1 February 2021

1.2 The Basics of Trading

 Bull & Bear Invest are pleased to announce the release of episode 1.2 of the Understanding the Stock Market series. In this video, we cover share price graphs and the methods of buying and selling shares among giving other valuable advice.

If you cannot view the video, you can view it here on our Youtube Channel. 

Subscribe to our channel to keep up to date with our content!

We strongly recommend downloading the Vox Markets App to keep up to date with your investments

Tertiary Minerals Plc

 Tertiary Minerals PLC has come to our attention by means of an associate who advised us of the potential. We've recorded our research a...